Primary Prevention - Education Group / Home-Based, Number of Sessions and Session Length Vary Family Development Resources, Inc. * * 1.800.688.5822 *Available in Spanish **Available in Spanish & Other Languages Developing Nurturing Skills (DNS): School-Based ProgramTM Cultivating a Culture of Nurturing in our Schools and Families The ability to positively nurture is a part of the nature of all human beings. We are born with the predisposition to care for others by forming strong bonds and positive, secure attachments. Unfortunately for many children, abusive and neglecting experiences, both in our homes and in our classrooms have been the norm. The result has been generation after generation of children and adults being redirected away from their compassionate nature to their learned patterns of dysfunctional behavio compassionate nature to their learned patterns of dysfunctional behavior. However, learned dysfunctional behaviors can be unlearned and replaced with new, healthy nurturing behaviors with a strong, consistent and comprehensive community-based program. Program Goals Goal #1: The overall goal of the DNS program is to cultivate a culture that promotes positive nurturing beliefs, knowledge and behaviors in our classrooms and in our families. Working together to create a “norm of nurturing” teachers and parents can make both the classroom and the home two environments that reinforce positive nurturing. Goal #2: To enhance self-awareness, self-worth, emotional regulation, empathy, empowerment and protective skills in children and teens through daily classroom instruction. Goal #3: To improve the nurturing parenting interactions between parents and children. Description and Components of the DNS Program 1. Classroom Lessons. Children and teens receive nurturing lessons during regular school time. The lessons are taught by trained teachers during “Circle Time” in the younger K-3 and 4-6 grades. Middle Schools and High Schools offer the lessons at a time designated by the individual schools. Nurturing lessons incorporate five critical skill areas that have proven effectiveness in building healthy, nurturing skills: Empathy; Positive Self-Worth; Personal Empowerment, Making Good Choices and Being Safe, and Emotional-Self Regulation. The DNS school-based programs are presented in four separate Teacher’s Instructional Manuals. • DNS - K to 3: Lessons for children kindergarten to 3rd grade. • DNS - 4 to 6: curriculum designed for children grades 4 to 6. • DNS - 7 to 9: “It’s All About Being in Middle School” lessons for Middle School students. • DNS - 10 to 12: “It’s All About Being a Teen” lessons for High School students. Amy C. Schlieve, Ed.D. and Stephen J. Bavolek, Ph.D. - Primary Prevention SA - School Age / AD - Adolescents 21