Family Development Resources, Inc. * NurturingParenting.com * 1.800.688.5822 *Available in Spanish **Available in Spanish & Other Languages Primary Prevention - Education 7 Group-Based Sessions, Each session runs 2 hours ABC’s for Parents & Their Children 5 to 8 Years ABC’s of Parenting DVD features seven clips covering topics such as ages & stages, praise, developing empathy, helping children develop personal power, morals & values, rewards & punishments, & establishing family rules. To Order Use Code, ABCDVD - $140.00 To Order the ABC’s for Parenting Program All items listed below are included in a complete program or sold separately. Manuals Code Price Each Total Price 1 Implementation Manual ABCIMP $ 12.00 $ 12.00 2 Activities Manual for Parents ABCAMP $ 20.00 $ 40.00 2 Activities Manual for Children ABCAMC $ 20.00 $ 40.00 15 15 Parent Handbook (English or Spanish) ABCPHB* $ 15.00 $ 225.00 Resource Materials 1 Multicultural Parenting Guide MCG $ 25.00 $ 25.00 15 Red, White & Bruises Booklet RWB* $ 1.00 $ 15.00 DVDs & CDs 1 ABC’s of Parenting DVD ABCDVD $ 140.00 $ 140.00 1 I’m Only Doing This… DVD SPK2DVD* $ 84.95 $ 84.95 1 1 This Hurts Me More… DVD SPK3DVD $ 84.95 $ 84.95 Assessments and Evaluations 60 AAPI/NSCS Online Administrations AOL60** $ 2.50 $ 150.00 1 Program Evaluation Forms (pkg/120) EF* $ 12.00 $ 12.00 Instructional Aids 1 Feeling Faces (pkg/15) FF $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Certificates 1 1 Parent’s Certificates (pkg/20) CERP** $ 5.00 $ 5.00 1 Children’s Certificates (pkg/20) CERC* $ 5.00 $ 5.00 1 Facilitator’s Certificates (pkg/20) CERF** $ 5.00 $ 5.00 To Order Use Code, NP9 Total Program Price $ 868.90 Program Specific Materials Continued Learn Nurturing skills & ways to promote children’s success in success in schools TM - Primary Prevention SA - School Age 13