Arizona Invests In Evidence-Based Foster Care Prevention

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Mathmatica evaluated the Nurturing Parenting Programs and on Episode 93 of Mathematica’s On the Evidence podcast, Katherine Guffey, Meg Dygert, and Allon Kalisher discuss the program.

Arizona is one of a growing number of states that are investing in evidence-based foster care prevention services. In 2021, the state expanded statewide a program called Nurturing Skills for Families, which was developed by our Nurturing Parenting Programs. We are a national company that offers about 30 programs or program models in family education.

The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), which was enacted in 2018, requires states to use evidence-based practices to prevent child abuse and neglect. The law also prohibits states from using federal funds to place children in foster care if a parent or relative is available to care for them.

FFPSA has been praised by child welfare advocates for its focus on prevention. However, the law has also been criticized for its restrictions on foster care placement. Some critics argue that the law will make it more difficult for children who need foster care to get it.

Arizona’s investment in Nurturing Skills for Families is a step in the right direction. The program has been shown to be effective in reducing the need for investigations for maltreatment and the likelihood of children being removed from their homes.

FFPSA is a landmark piece of legislation that has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of children and families. Arizona’s investment in Nurturing Skills for Families is a good example of how states can use evidence-based practices to prevent child abuse and neglect.

In addition to Nurturing Skills for Families, Arizona is also investing in other evidence-based foster care prevention services, such as home visiting and parenting education. These services can help families stay together and provide children with the safe and stable home environment they need to thrive.

Arizona’s investment in evidence-based foster care prevention is a promising development. It shows that the state is committed to keeping children safe and families together. Other states should follow Arizona’s lead and invest in evidence-based foster care prevention services.

Read the original story on Mathmatica or listen to the podcast below.

On the Evidence · 93 | Inside Arizona’s Investment in Evidence-Based Foster Care Prevention