5 Tips for Building Positive Relationships With Your Children

Dad holding son in the air like an airplane. Mother and daughter watching and smiling.

As a parent, it is important to have a good relationship with your children but raising children can be challenging, especially if you didn’t have a good example growing up. Parenting skills include being a teacher and a role model. It is much more than being a friend, a mistake that many parents make.

Here are 5 parenting skills and additional parenting resources to help you build a positive parent/child relationship.

Dad holding son in the air like an airplane. Mother and daughter watching and smiling.
Who would want more?

1. Spend Time with Your Child

One of the most important things you can do to build a positive relationship with your child is to spend time with them. This can be as simple as playing a game together, reading a book, or going for a walk. Spending time with your child shows them that you care about them and that they are important to you.

Spending time with your child can also help you create memories together and set a strong foundation for the tween and teenage years. It can also help you demonstrate your love for your child and create the right atmosphere for them to grow and thrive.

Here are some tips on spending quality time with your child:

  • Connect daily with your child. Whether it is face-to-face connections before school and work or sending them a little note in their lunch bags, any connection is better than none.
  • Create a special ritual for you and your child—something that can be done every day. For example, you could read a book together before bed or take a walk after dinner.
  • Make time for one-on-one time with your child. This can be as simple as going for a bike ride or playing a game together.

2. Listen to Your Child

Another important aspect of building a positive relationship with your child is to listen to them. This means taking the time to hear what they have to say and responding in a way that shows you understand. Listening to your child helps them feel heard and valued.

Here are some tips to help your child feel listened to and respected:

  • Talk to your child like the grownup you want them to become. In their early years, baby talk is fine. But as they grow older, it’s important to speak to them in a way that shows you respect them.
  • Give them your ear. It may seem obvious, but in their efforts to guide their children, many parents forget to listen. When your child speaks, give them your full attention.
  • Don’t interrupt. When your child is speaking, let them finish their thoughts before you respond.
  • Offer them a role. When you give your child a role in the family, you show them that you respect their abilities and trust them to handle responsibility.
  • Don’t laugh, offer praise. When your child shares something with you, it’s important to take them seriously. Even if what they’re saying seems silly or unimportant, offer them praise for sharing their thoughts with you.
  • Demonstrate trust. When you show your child that you trust them, you help them feel respected. Give them opportunities to make decisions and take on responsibilities.
  • Give them space. Sometimes, children need space to process their thoughts and feelings. When your child needs space, give it to them.

3. Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to building a positive relationship with your child. This means being consistent in your expectations, rules, and consequences. When your child knows what to expect, they are more likely to feel secure and confident.

Here are some tips on how to be consistent with your child:

  • Always strive to be a good example of responsibility and respect.
  • Separate your feelings from behavior. In other words, don’t take your pain out on the child.
  • Set clear rules and boundaries.
  • Follow through on consequences.
  • Use positive reinforcement.
  • Be patient but persistent (see explanation below).
  • Be flexible when necessary (see explanation below).

Being patient but persistent means that you are willing to give your child the time they need to learn and grow, while also being consistent in your expectations and consequences. It means that you are willing to work with your child to help them understand what is expected of them, and that you are willing to provide them with the support they need to succeed. It also means that you are willing to be patient when your child makes mistakes, and that you are willing to help them learn from those mistakes so that they can do better in the future.

Being flexible when necessary with your child means that you are willing to adjust your expectations and rules when the situation calls for it. It means that you are willing to listen to your child’s needs and concerns, and that you are willing to work with them to find a solution that works for everyone. It also means that you are willing to be open to new ideas and approaches, and that you are willing to try new things when the old ways aren’t working.

Parenting is a struggle where both parent and child are learning to be better in their roles. Patients, persistence, and flexibility are all challenging characteristics to master. But it is possible as much as it is necessary.

4. Be Positive

Finally, it is important to be positive when interacting with your child. This means focusing on the good things they do and praising them for their efforts. Being positive helps your child feel good about themselves and encourages them to continue to do their best.

5. Be A Parent, Not A Friend

It is more important to differentiate your role as a parent to your child from being their friend because parents are responsible for teaching their children right from wrong, and for setting boundaries and limits. Parents are also responsible for providing guidance and support, and for helping their children develop a sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Being a friend to your child can blur the lines between parent and child, and can make it difficult for you to provide the guidance and support that your child needs. It is important to maintain a balance between being a friend and being a parent, and to make sure that your child understands the difference between the two.

Parenting Resources Can Help

Empower your parenting skills with these parenting resources that can help you navigate through the joys and challenges of raising children. Get access to expert advice, practical tips, and helpful tools that can make parenting easier and more fulfilling. These parenting resources can help you raise happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children.