Trainer Gloria L.  Villalobos Photo

Gloria L. Villalobos #196

Gloria Villalobos has been involved in education since 1988. She received her graduate degree in Education from Carthage College in Kenosha, WI. (1992). She worked as a teacher with elementary school, high school, and university level students in Colombia.

Gloria started working at Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies in 2003 providing parenting education to pregnant teenagers. Gloria has implemented Nurturing Parenting
® Program curriculum during Home Visits and group settings (Prenatal families, Crianza con Cariño, and Parents & Their Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers). She has been the Program Coordinator for Healthy Families at HMHB since 2007.

She is also a certified child birth educator and a certified doula (prenatal and post-partum).

“I enjoy teaching and learning from parents during our Home Visits and groups. As a facilitator for the Nurturing Parenting Program, I strive to make my sessions interesting, fun, and engaging.”

Gloria lives with her husband and three children in Hollywood, Fl.

Contact Info:

Gloria L. Villalobos #196

Hollywood, Florida

(954) 276.0881