Utica, New York

National Trainers/Consultants
Margaret Kojac


A Division of Kids Oneida, Inc.

Mission Statement
To enhance personal development, relationships and family functioning through nurturing interactions; To empower children, adolescents and adults through education to live healthy, fully functioning lives; and To promote the well being of the individual, family and community through educational services and information.

Programs and Services

Nurturing Parenting Programs® are preventative parenting education curricula, based on a model of empowerment for parents and children, developed by Dr. Stephen Bavolek. Introduced in New York State by Donna Elefante in 1988. Distinct, specialized Nurturing Programs for:

(1) Prenatal Families; (2) Parents and Their Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers; (3) Parents and Their School Age Children; (4) Parents and Adolescents; (5) Teen Parents and Their Children; (6) Parents and Their Children with Health Challenges.

Evelyn’s House for Young Mothers and Babies on the Lourdes Church campus in Utica was opened in 2007. A safe, nurturing, transitional residence with multiple services for young women, up to age 21, who become homeless while pregnant or raising a child. Funded by the U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, the NYS Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance, The Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties, and donations from local groups and individuals.

Family Place Resource Center at 309 Genesee Street, Utica opened in 1997. A friendly, accessible site that offers parenting education in small groups; private consultations; personal development & wellness workshops; referrals to community services; parent-child activities, celebrations, special events, play groups, support groups and supervised parent-child visitations. Also: diapers, children’s clothes, toys, books and pantry items.

Family Resolutions and Resources is a strength-based solutions program for families seeking facilitated resolution of conflict or crisis. Utilizes Family Group Conferences to mobilize helpful resources among extended families, friends and service providers. Includes home visits, consultations and supervised parent-child visitation. Funded by the NYS Office of Children & Family Services.

Healthy Families-Oneida County is a statewide home visiting program targeting overburdened families, starting in the prenatal to newborn period. Enhances positive parent-child interactions and promotes optimum childhood development, to prevent child abuse and neglect. Funded by the NYS Office of Children & Family Services, in partnership with the lead agency - Oneida County Health Department.

The Nurturing Father’s Program welcomes all fathers *custodial, visiting) in this 13-week program that will enhance their nurturing parenting skills and connections with their children. Programs are lead by male facilitators. Graduates and other men are welcome to join the agency’s Nurturing Fathers Fellowship and other fatherhood enrichment activities.

Parents at Crossroads

a" Supervised Parent-Child Visitation. Court-ordered visits in a safe, friendly, supervised (monitored) environment where non-custodial parents and relatives spend quality time with their children. Funded by Oneida County DSS, the NYS Office of Children & Family Services, and income-based participant fees.

a" Children First Program. Parenting education to help divorced and separated parents reduce the stress of family changes and protect their children from the negative effects of ongoing parental conflict. The Family Nurturing Center is certified by the NYS Unified Court System to serve Oneida and Herkimer County residents, and offers sliding scale fees.

Project STEP (Success Toward Employment and Positive Future) where parents with criminal-corrections involvement (probation or parole) receive case management, home visiting and education to reach individual goals for acquiring job training, employment, suitable housing and parenting skills. Funded by the NYS Office of Probation & Corrections Alternatives.

Training for Nurturing Parenting Program® Facilitators and Service Professionals is provided in New York State and other locations by Donna LaTour-Elefante - National Trainer and Consultant in the Nurturing Parenting Programs®, Child Life Therapist, and Executive Director of the Family Nurturing Center of CNY.